Using the Elliott Wave Theory to Trade Forex – Part 4

As we mentioned previously, Elliott waves are fractals, with each wave being made up of lots of smaller versions of itself. For example, in...

Using the Elliot Wave Theory to Trade Forex – Part 3

In the previous installment, we looked at the five impulse waves that make up the uptrend of a typical Elliot Wave pattern, describing the...

Using the Elliot Wave Theory to Trade Forex – Part 2

One of Mr. Elliott's key findings is that a trending market tends to move in what he describes as being a 5-3 wave pattern....

Using the Elliot Wave Theory to Trade Forex – Part 1

Although markets, by their very nature, are chaotic and unpredictable, this hasn't stopped countless mathematicians, accountants, scientists, and traders from trying to discern order...

MahiFX Launches ‘FX Gym’, a New Forex Training Resource

Leading online forex trading platform provider MahiFX has just launched a new resource for currency and precious metals traders. Called 'FX Gym', the new...

Why do forex traders repeat the same mistakes?

In forex trading, as in life, it is common for people to make the same mistakes over and over again. It's one thing deciding...

Using Aroon lines to analyse the forex market

The Aroon indicator, created by technical analysis guru and author Tushar Chande, is an indicator that can be used to determine the likely direction...

Forex Economic Indicators: Industrial Production

The Industrial Production Index, an economic indicator issued by the US Federal Reserve on or around the 16th of the month at 9.15am EST,...

Forex Economic Indicators: Durable Goods Orders

The US Durable Goods Orders statistic is one of the most important leading indicators of the health of the US economy. Because it tends...

Forex Economic Indicators: Housing Starts

As a leading indicator of what the markets are likely to do - and the health of the economy in general - housing starts...

MahiFX founder David Cooney inducted into Profit & Loss Hall of...

MahiFX Ltd, the leading foreign exchange technology provider to the retail and institutional sectors, has today announced the induction of its CEO and Co-Founder...

Forex Economic Indicators – PMI

The Purchasing Managers Index, or PMI, is an economic indicator that is often used in fundamental analysis that can have a significant influence on the...

Forex Economic Indicators: PPI

The Producer Price Index (PPI) is a gauge of the prices of physical goods at the level of producers or wholesalers. It is a...

Forex Economic Indicators: CPI

As the most important benchmark for inflation, the Consumer Price Index or CPI is one of the most keenly watched fundamental economic indicators by...

Forex Market Outlook 28th May 2014

Overview FX volatilities, both realized and implied, are at historic lows as anticipation around the upcoming ECB meeting on June 5th and recent election results...

Forex Economic Indicators: GDP

GDP, or Gross Domestic Product, is one of the most important economic indicators for forex traders, and all the major nations publish GDP data...

Using petrocurrencies to make oil plays

In order to succeed in the forex markets, traders need to take a holistic view of all the factors that can influence currency prices,...

Forex Trading and the Theory of Reflexivity

Based on the work of sociologists William Thomas and Robert K Merton, and later the work of philosopher Karl Popper, the theory of reflexivity...

MahiFX Launches Facebook Friend Trading App

Leading forex broker and platform developer MahiFX have launched a fun new Facebook app designed to illustrate the principles of trading. Instead of using...

Do you need more than one broker account?

These days, it is so easy to open a trading account that most traders have at least two live forex accounts. While there is...