Should You Switch to a Different Currency Pair?
Conventional wisdom has it that you should specialise in one currency pair, at least to begin with. This enables you to learn about its...
Developing a Forex Trading Plan – Part 10
Throughout this series, we have looked into what goes into making a successful trading plan, and the things that you have to do in...
Developing a Forex Trading Plan – Part 9
Sticking to the Plan
We may have mentioned it a few times already, but it bears repeating: A forex trading plan is only effective if...
Developing a Forex Trading Plan – Part 8
What Tools Should You Use?
As a forex trader, you have a huge array of choices in terms of the tools that you can use...
Global Weekly Forex Overview and Commentary
Global Weekly Forex Overview
Fed Chairwoman Yellen’s first press conference was today. She forecast growth no more than 3%, and the Fed will continue to...
Social Trading and Regulation Part 5: Glossary and Resources
Social Trading: The process of publishing trades via a social networking platform, whether on dedicated social trading platforms such as eToro and ZuluTrade, or...
Developing a Forex Trading Plan – Part 7
Pre-Market Routine
Speak to any professional trader worth their salt, and they'll all tell you the same thing - the pre-market routine is all-important. Top...
Social Trading and Regulation Part 4: What should traders do?
The wave of regulation that seems to be on its way into the copy trading sphere has many implications for everyone involved, from the...
Social Trading and Regulation Part 3: General challenges
With the prospect of regulation looming on the horizon, the social trading industry is in something of a state of limbo, unsure of how...
Social Trading and Regulation Part 2: CopyTrading and FCA
Back in mid-2012, a Q&A circular released by the European Securities and Market Authority (ESMA) put copy trading firms on high alert that regulation...
Social Trading and Regulation Part 1: Copy Trading and Regulation
Social and Copy Trading - which we covered in our Guide to Copy Trading series - are becoming an an increasingly big part of the...
Developing a Forex Trading Plan – Part 6
Another key element of designing a forex trading plan is to determine the type of returns that you expect to make. The key word...
Developing a Forex Trading Plan – Part 5
Risk Capital
Risk capital may sound like something that's probably more complex than it sounds (such as risk management), but it isn't. In fact, it's...
Developing a Forex Trading Plan – Part 4
The first thing you need to do when developing a forex trading plan is to try to figure out who you are as a...
Developing a Forex Trading Plan – Part 3
With all this talk of sticking rigidly to a plan, you might be asking whether there are still potential benefits to deviating from your...
Developing a Forex Trading Plan Part 2
Why do you need a trading plan?
One of the main benefits of having a trading plan is that it can make your life a...
New trading innovations and social media platforms: Part 4
Alpari TraderConnect
Rather than taking the route of setting up a proprietary social platform, Alpari has taken the approach of offering a social add-on to...
FX Commentary: Safe Havens Fall After Cooling Ukraine Tensions
In the third instalment of this series, HCM Ron Huddlestone gives us his view on the events in the currency markets this week, and...
Putin’s War Games Boost USD and Gold
Market View – MahiFX
This post is brought to you in association with MahiFX, a leading forex broker and platform developer based in New Zealand...
New Trading Innovations and Social Media Platforms Part 3
In the third part of this series, we shall be looking at three innovative firms that are changing the forex trading landscape by employing...