Forex Week In Review July 29th to August 3rd

IntelligentHQ Forex Week In Review In Association with OANDA Corporation

Report by  Dean Popplewell

bio_dean-e1339923416435Dean Popplewell  has a wealth of  experience: professional  trader for 10 years,  trader for four years, and head of the global trading desks at various financial institutions in Canada. Dean is ’s resident currency analyst and has been writing’s daily forex blog since January 2007 as a way to share some of his forex experience with the  community.

 July 29th to August 3rd wk_hm20120803

The message from Draghi and Ben seems to be rather similar, policy response is possible, but they have yet to convince “internal skeptics of the need for immediate action.” The ECB has sent a message indicating that it “may” conduct open market operations to support the front end of the peripheral debt markets, but probably only in the context of the EFSF/ESM aid requests.

Non-Farm Payroll No Game Changer 

The Fed declined to deliver policy easing this week, disappointing many whose expectations had been building for something over the past few weeks. Policy makers can probably see in Friday’s NFP print some vindication for their caution. Overall, yesterday’s report is not a “true game changer.” Despite a stronger headline, analysts flag the small uptick in the unemployment rate

Chinese authorities are beginning to worry 

The PBoC will be making stabilizing economic growth a bigger priority. The authorities are obviously concerned over the slowdown of the world’s second largest economy. In their Q2 monetary policy report this week, policy makers repeated their “regular” three objectives of maintaining steady and relatively fast growth, adjusting economic structure and managing inflation expectations.
ASIA Week in FX


  • More rate announcements from AUD and JPY
  • CHF and CNY will produce inflation data
  • Manufacturing and trade data comes to us from GBP, CAD and USD
  • GBP has inflation reports
  • Employment numbers are released in NZD, AUD, USD and CAD


Forex Order Book

A 24-hour summary of open orders and positions

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Forex Open Position Ratios

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