In this technological age, traditional methods are being replaced by digital methods. From hospitals to homes, electrical appliances are making our lives easier.
Machines surround the contemporary world, as they offer convenience and save time by reducing manual interventions. It offers solutions in every domain, ranging from entertainment and household convenience to healthcare.
Therefore, knowing which power cord suits the kind of system or appliance one uses is essential. A power cord is necessary as it connects an appliance to the main electricity supply, acting as a medium that provides power to everything.
Let’s have a look at key factors to keep in mind while selecting a power cord.
Powering Life and Industry
Electricity is essential, but it needs to be channeled for optimal usage. The power cord is the medium that makes the appliances and devices functional. It connects devices with the main electricity supply, perfectly channeling electricity’s random motion into a stable and secure flow.
The refrigerator draws current via a power cord for its effective cooling, and the power cord is very significant in the healthcare system, too. Medical institutions connect heavy-duty power cords to UPS and generators to ensure uninterrupted power for life-saving instruments.
All industries are completely dependent upon electricity, and without power cords, they would face significant setbacks. Power cords work as blood vessels for heavy machinery and equipment.
The absence or failure of power cords would effectively halt industrial-scale production and innovation, causing widespread economic impacts.
Things to Keep in Mind Before Buying a Power Cord
With the wide variety of power cords available in the market, it can be daunting to select the optimum one. Therefore, we have listed down a few key factors which can help you pick the one as per your needs and preferences:
1. Length of the Cord
Determining the cord length you require is essential in effectively running your appliances or system. The length of your chosen cord should always be in surplus to the distance between your main supply and the device.
Choosing a long cord may cause tripping over the cord, and it is risky if one has kids and pets at home. Although an extension cord can increase the length of a power cord, a natural setting adds to the aesthetics.
2. Voltage and Current
Using a device at a voltage different than the recommended one may lead to serious electrical hazards. For example, if a power cord of low ampere is used with a refrigerator that requires a high current supply, the system would collapse.
The power cord would melt because of overheating, and hence, it would not be able to carry the necessary current. Every appliance has its own demands of voltage and current to function properly.
Both voltage and current are equally important; however, without voltage, you won’t get any work done. Since there will be no current flow, the appliance won’t be optimized for use.
3. Plug Type
Choosing the plug type is equally important after successfully ticking the above two boxes. Every country has its own set of codes for plug types, and the US and Canada favor the same set of plug types, which are type A and type B.
Type A is a flat-pinned two-prong plug, whereas type B is a 3-prong plug with two flat parallel pins and one grounded pin.
Using a cord with a different plug set may be hazardous as type A works mostly for small-scale electrical devices, and if paired up with heavy appliances, it may lead to electric shocks, and the wire would overheat eventually.
Type B plugs are usually paired with large-powered appliances. It has one grounded pin along with two parallel pins, such as refrigerators, hair dryers, mixers etc.
Selecting and using the appropriate power cord ensures durability and longevity.
4. Safety Certifications
Every product is launched after its testing; therefore, when buying power cords, ensure it is marked with specific ratings by authorized organizations. UL (Underwriters Laboratories), ETL (Electrical Testing Labs/Intertek), and CE (Conformance European) are three of the common ratings found on power cords.
In North America, UL ratings stand for safety and reliability. ETL is similar to the UL ratings. The European Union adopts CE, and its certification authorizes the product to be tested and resonated with the safety standards of European regulation.
5. Warranty
Another way of checking the reliability of a power cord lies in the product warranty.
A warranty ensures and keeps a user in check about the replacement if the product fails to function within the set time frame of the manufacturer.
This also ensures peace of mind, knowing that in case of power cord failure, it can be exchanged or replaced by the manufacturer or seller without any hassle.
6. Compatibility with Extensions
Before buying, ensure the power cord is compatible with the extension cord in case you have to connect both in any instance. Checking the compatibility rating is necessary for the efficient running and durability of the device.
Failing to adapt the voltage and current of the extension wire, the power cord may cause electrical hazards, overheating, and failure to supply the power to the appliance to carry out the necessary tasks.
The power and amperage ratings of both of the cords should resonate with each other. If a cord draws more ampere of current from an extension cord, it may lead to the risk of fire.
Buying a power cord necessitates looking into some important factors to ensure you make the right decision. The initial thing to consider when purchasing the power cord is the requirement of your device.
Categorize it into heavy or small-scale appliances and commercial or non-commercial use. By classifying them into sections, you gain a basic notion about the need for a specific product.
A cheaper option may feel like a better deal at the present; however, it wouldn’t function properly in the long run. The most appropriate cord is filtered out after figuring out variables like the length of the cord, safety certifications, voltage, plug type, and other essentials.
Thus, make sure to do a thorough research and evaluate the key factors before making a purchase.
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